Monday, September 5, 2011


I haven't blogged in like a year. I was inspired by Emma to start again. it's her birthday this week, she'll be 13! having a birthday in south Louisiana in September has proven to be an iffy situation. it seems like every year there is a hurricane or some other tropical disturbance to interfere with her party or events. I feel bad for her, but i hope she knows that the weather or any other situation that occurs during her birthday in no way should diminish the fact that she is an awesome, lovable person. Happy Birthday Emma, Daddy loves you very much. xoxoxo


Kim said...

Hey Steve! Glad you're blogging again. I love your thoughtful fb posts, but I'd also love them to be expanded here! :) Believe me, I know it's hard to find the time!

Steven Wallace said...

thanks... i want to try and do this more frequently... we'll see how this goes.