Saturday, August 23, 2008

In action!

Here is a photo of me and Emma going over her lesson plan for science. I was explaining that on Monday 8/25 we would be doing a science experiment/activity! She got really excited about the prospect of doing some hands on projects. I went on to explain that the project was that we were going to build a terrarium for her science lesson. We are studying the balance of nature, and that God created everything in nature. So, we went today, Saturday, to the local "wal-marts" to buy the things that we need for the terrarium. I remember when I was a kid, we had a terrarium in our living room, it was real 1970's, a white and clear bubble type thing with plants in it. I didn't realize that we had a science experiment growing in our living room.

Anyway, we bought a 10 gallon aquarium, potting soil, gravel, and a couple of small plants. Now, I need to figure out a way to cover the aquarium....... I mean Terrarium, so that the frog or Lizard that Emma wants to put in it can't escape. Momma Mary and Liz say they wont be able to sleep with the thought of a wild animal in the house. We'll see.

On another note, Mary (the wife) was unaware that I started a blog. Her job has been extremely busy this week, and she has worked late every night. She was quite surprised tonight when I said that my blogging was going well. So, now the lady of my dreams, and love of my life is going to be a regular reader of my blog as I am of hers.

I will keep posted how the terrarium turns out, and possibly share pictures of us making it.


Scott said...

You probably have an aquarium out in your shed that you could have used. But, it may have already had a whole world of creatures in it out there.

Steven Wallace said...

I gave a cursory look out there and didnt see an aquarium. I did see an aquarium stand, but that's as far as I got. so, we got a 10 gallon at wal mart for 10 bucks...