Monday, August 18, 2008

Home School?

Well, Today was our first full day of schooling, just me and my girls. I taught them alot. They were genuinely enthusiastic about the day. I must admit that I was nervous as hell, when I woke up at 5am. The lesson plans were completed lats night, around 1030pm, so that was covered. Now, I actually had to hold the kids attention and be somewhat interesting with them and the subject matter being covered.

We did it though.. I am starting this blog to kind of keep up with my feelings about our not so new radical lifestyle that has been enhanced by home schooling all of the gilrs. For the last 2 years I have home schooled our oldest daughter. So, it only seemed natural to bring them all home. Besides I am fairly certain that I heard God whispering "bring them home and educate them", all summer long. So, it made sense to do it, and after 1 day, I am pleased with the decision.

Now, sllep and then day 2!!!


Scott said...

Why is it called the wolf den?

Granny said...

Always did think you would make a good teacher. Good luck...

Steven Wallace said...

Wolf Den is in reference to me having my "cubbies" at home for their school.

I am not sure about being a good teacher. the goal is to be a terrific dad.

melancholic smirk said...

Alright Wallace-boy. You need to spellcheck. I have to tell your bro this all the time. SPELL CHECK!

In other news, I'm glad to see you blogging. Hope your first week of hs goes well!

Steven Wallace said...

You must forgive the spelling errors. I was exhausted when I wrote this...

I'll try to do better. Oh yeah.. how do i put pictures in my blog???

melancholic smirk said...

Okay, I forgive you.

Are you trying to put pics in the post or on your sidebar?

In the post: there's an icon in your compose box that looks like a little landscape scene. Click on that and find the pic on your pc or online that you want, and then choose where you want the pic to go in the post. Then just click on "upload pic".

In the sidebar, go to "layout" and choose "add a gadget" and pictures is a choice. Then you just choose your pic and upload.

Hope this helps (hth)!

Steven Wallace said...

You did help! (YDH)