Tuesday, November 25, 2008

'Tis the Season (Jesus is the reason for the season!)

Around here the holidays are a terrific time. Thanksgiving is just the beginning and for us it signals that the Advent season is just a few days away. We do have a few Advent traditions that we have yet to prepare for, but we will, I am sure. Of course it starts with our advent wreath. We make a new one every year. The kids and Mary seem to enjoy making a new one, although I'd prefer to just buy a nice one and use it every year. Along with the wreath the girls make an activity chain for everyday of advent, our version of the advent calendar. Each person in the family gets to determine activities for the chain, so everyone is involved. We also set up our nativity scenes without the baby Jesus in them in order to get prepared for His arrival on Christmas. The girls also enjoy putting the 3 wise men in another room from the nativity and as each day gets closer to Christmas, the wise men are moved a little closer to the nativity scene. And on Christmas morning the wise men get to meet the baby Jesus and the Holy Family! This event on Christmas also gives us the chance to once again "meet" the Holy Family.

The Holidays are always filled with family fun, travel and Church. It is the travel part that is most difficult for us. We want to be with everyone we know and love at this special time of year. However, we have not figured out our travel plans for the Christmas season. But, like the advent traditions, we will get our plans ready, soon.

All of this preparation starts on Thursday with Thanksgiving.

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