Tuesday, January 6, 2009

back to school

Yesterday was our first day back to school for 2009. I did not have my lesson plans ready to go. So the morning was spent doing lesson plans while the kids awaited their new assignments. I got Emma and Elanis done and they got to work on them. It was promising and I started to feel really good about the new year. Then the afternoon came and we had to run an errand or two. That totally fouled up our school day. after leaving the house for about an hour and a half we got back home and you would have though the dismissal bell had rung. To be fair, Emma did do some more of her schoolwork last night, like it was homework, which we have not had since the public school days last year.

Today, the older girls have a 4H meeting, which usually means that I get very little production from the for school work. This will give me an opportunity to focus on Elani's schooling as she is not yet old enoug to officially be involed in 4H. She is making her first Reconciliation this Saturday. I am so proud that she is taking this sacrament so seriously. I am going to work with her today with the nuts andbolts of going to confession. We will discuss and do an examination of conscience and an act of contrition.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Back to school week ain't easy. I can say that I, and alot of the teachers I work with, are right there with you. Getting started again is tough.