Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Month??

It is New Years day 2009! The first day of a new year is always so optimistic. I have a whole year to do... something. Maybe we should celebrate every new month in the same way. I know that I would be much more productive with only 30 or 31 days to accomplish something, but February would be a tough cookie(28 days). Take your standard new years resolution. Lets say, hypothetically, that I wanted to lose 50 pounds this year... wait, this doesn't sound do hypothetical!! If I break that resolution into months of which there are 12, I would only resolve to lose 4.16 pounds a month, starting with month 1. If I didn't achieve the needed 4.16 pounds then the next month I could adjust my resolution or goal. Or if I overachieved and managed to lose say, about 8 pounds in the 1st month I would then only need to lose something like 2.5 pounds per month over the next 11 months.

Anyway, I don't wanna run on about this. Tomorrow we are going hiking as a family in Tunica Hills. As I recall the last time I did that my words as we reached our vehicle in the parking lot was something like " I will never do this again". well, never say never! I will stay positive about this. The last time I went it was in June and was 93 degrees and humid. Tomorrow should be 72 and not humid. It should be a pleasant time and good exercise. And it will be great to trudge around in Gods creation with the family.

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