Sunday, January 4, 2009

why do i do what I do?

I want to blog about a few things, but it is almost midnight and I am exhausted. So, I will spare you all.

So far the New Years has been going OK, but we start back to school and routines tomorrow. I pray that it goes as smoothly and efficiently as the girls need it to go in order for this home schooling experience to be all it can be for them. I don't school them for my benefit. I truly think that this is more detremental to my personal psyche than working a full time job outside of the home. But I believe that this is a chance for the girls to learn values and life skills in a way they probably never could in a school with teachers who also have to interact with 100-200 other kids a day. I am in no way saying that teachers in school systems are harmful to kids. I wish these people could be some of the highest paid individuals in the world, they do the most important job in the world. They educate the vast majority of kids. So, if you are a teacher please know that you are appreciated.

with that being said. I wish i was a better home school teacher for the girls...

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